Ex Libris
Installation view (left to right): Libri Sospirandi, artist books, case, hidden fans; Ex Libris, animated film; Ad Infinitum, film on paper roll on floor; breath, sonic sculpture
Ex Libris—a 2011 exhibition at the Chicago Cultural Center, site of the city's first public library—presented multimedia works that digitally, sonically, and visually reference books. Artist books that “breathe,” sounds of pages turning, alphabets recited in various languages, films of animated books, and illusionistic shadows created an immersive environment and a sensorial conversation.
Installation view (left to right): Ex Libris, animated film; People’s Palace (carrel), sculptural book on stand, sound; Ad Infinitum, film on paper roll on floor; breath, sonic sculpture
Ala, animated film embedded in sculptural book on wall edge
Libri Sospirandi, artist books in case with hidden fans
People’s Palace (carrel), oversized book, sonic track under sound isolating speaker
Ad Infinitum, film projected onto paper roll on floor